Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences

Experimental Models Used in Neurosurgery Practice and Selection of an Appropriate Model
Nöroşirurji Pratiğinde Kullanılan Deney Modelleri ve Uygun Model Seçimi
aDepartment of Histology and Embryology, Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bursa, TURKEY
bDepartment of Aeronautical and Space Medicine, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Eskişehir, TURKEY
Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci. 2021;41(1):86-94
doi: 10.5336/medsci.2020-80465
Article Language: EN
Full Text
The role of animal experiments in the progress of medicine and its current stage has a significant effect. Most of the research in the medical and veterinary fields requires the use of experimental animals. It is a possible fact that the next experimental studies will be realized with the contribution of animal experiments. On the other hand, since humans cannot be included in experimental studies due to ethical reasons, the use of animals is mandatory. There are many models in which experimental animals are used. However, the use of experimental animals also brings some disadvantages. Experimental animals cannot be used randomly for scientific or any other purpose. Even if the experimental protocol was carried out properly, it will invalidate the obtained data if the appropriate experimental model is not chosen for the study. If the wrong experimental model is chosen, it will result in both economic and time loss. For these reasons, how and which model will be applied in internal and surgical branches in experimental studies and subject selection constitute an important problem. Choosing a suitable subject for the study increases the applicability of the studies and ensures that positive results can be obtained. In our article, we planned to compile the experimental models applied in the literature with different aspects including their advantages and disadvantages and to provide the practitioner with ease of choice.

Keywords: Animal use; laboratory animal; experimental animal models; proper animal selection
Tıbbın ilerlemesinde ve günümüzdeki aşamaya gelmesinde, hayvan deneylerinin rolü önemli ölçüde etkilidir. Tıp ve veteriner alanlarındaki araştırmaların birçoğu deney hayvanı kullanımını gerektirmektedir. Bundan sonra yapılacak olan deneysel çalışmaların da hayvan deneylerinin katkılarıyla gerçekleşmesi olası bir gerçektir. Öte yandan, etik nedenlerden dolayı deneysel çalışmalarda insanlara yer verilememesi, hayvanların kullanımını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Deney hayvanlarının kullanıldığı çok sayıda model bulunmaktadır. Fakat deney hayvanlarının kullanımı, birtakım dezavantajları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Bilimsel olarak ya da herhangi başka bir amaç için deney hayvanları rastgele kullanılamazlar. Deney protokolü uygun yürütülmüş olsa da çalışma için uygun deney modeli seçilmez ise elde edilen verileri geçersiz kılacaktır. Yanlış deney modeli seçildiğinde, hem ekonomik hem de zaman kaybı ile sonuçlanacaktır. Bu nedenle deneysel çalışmalarda, dahili ve cerrahi branşlarda hangi modelin nasıl uygulanacağı ve denek seçimi önemli bir sorun oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmaya uygun denek seçimi, çalışmaların uygulanabilirliğini artırmakta ve olumlu sonuçlar alınabilmesini sağlamaktadır. Yazımızda, literatürde uygulanan deney modellerini avantaj ve dezavantajlarını da içeren farklı yönleriyle derlemeyi ve uygulayıcıya seçim kolaylığı sağlamayı planladık.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Hayvan kullanımı; laboratuvar hayvanı; deneysel hayvan modelleri; uygun hayvan seçimi
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4.8. "Turkiye Klinikleri" may give links through the "SITE" to other websites and/or "CONTEXT"s and/or folders that are outside of their control and owned and run by third parties. These links are provided for ease of reference only and do not hold qualification for support the respective web SITE or the admin or declaration or guarantee for the information inside. "Turkiye Klinikleri" does not hold any responsibility over the web-sites connected through the links on the "SITE", folders and context, the services or products on the websites provided through these links or their context.

4.9. "Turkiye Klinikleri" may use the information provided to them by the "USERS" through the "SITE" in line with the terms of the "PRIVACY POLICY" and "USER CONTRACT". It may process the information or classify and save them on a database. "Turkiye Klinikleri" may also use the USER's or visitor's identity, address, e-mail address, phone number, IP number, which sections of the "SITE" they visited, domain type, browser type, date and time information to provide statistical evaluation and customized services.


5.1. The information accessed through this "SITE" or provided by the users legally and all the elements (including but not limited to design, text, image, html code and other codes) of the "SITE" (all of them will be called as studies tied to "Turkiye Klinikleri"s copyrights) belongs to "Turkiye Klinikleri". Users do not have the right to resell, process, share, distribute, display or give someone permission to access or to use the "Turkiye Klinikleri" services, "Turkiye Klinikleri" information and the products under copyright protection by "Turkiye Klinikleri". Within hereby "Terms of Use" unless explicitly permitted by "Turkiye Klinikleri" nobody can reproduce, process, distribute or produce or prepare any study from those under "Turkiye Klinikleri" copyright protection.

5.2. Within hereby "Terms of Use", "Turkiye Klinikleri" reserves the rights for "Turkiye Klinikleri" services, "Turkiye Klinikleri" information, the products associated with "Turkiye Klinikleri" copyrights, "Turkiye Klinikleri" trademarks, "Turkiye Klinikleri" trade looks or its all rights for other entity and information it has through this website unless it is explicitly authorized by "Turkiye Klinikleri".


"Turkiye Klinikleri" in its sole discretion may change the hereby "Terms of Use" anytime announcing within the "SITE". The changed terms of the hereby "Terms of Use" will become valid when they are announced. Hereby "Terms of Use" cannot be changed by unilateral declarations of users.


"Turkiye Klinikleri" is not responsible for executing late or never of this hereby "Terms of Use", privacy policy and "USER Contract" in any situation legally taken into account as force majeure. Being late or failure of performance or non-defaulting of this and similar cases like this will not be the case from the viewpoint of "Turkiye Klinikleri", and "Turkiye Klinikleri" will not have any damage liability for these situations. "Force majeure" term will be regarded as outside of the concerned party's reasonable control and any situation that "Turkiye Klinikleri" cannot prevent even though it shows due diligence. Also, force majeure situations include but not limited to natural disasters, rebellion, war, strike, communication problems, infrastructure and internet failure, power cut and bad weather conditions.


Turkish Law will be applied in practicing, interpreting the hereby "Terms of Use" and managing the emerging legal relationships within this "Terms of Use" in case of finding element of foreignness, except for the rules of Turkish conflict of laws. Ankara Courts and Enforcement Offices are entitled in any controversy happened or may happen due to hereby contract.


Hereby "Terms of Use" come into force when announced in the "SITE" by "Turkiye Klinikleri". The users are regarded to agree to hereby contract terms by using the "SITE". "Turkiye Klinikleri" may change the contract terms and the changes will be come into force by specifying the version number and the date of change on time it is published in the "SITE".



Privacy Policy

We recommend you to read the terms of use below before you visit our website. In case you agree these terms, following our rules will be to your favor. Please read our Terms of Use thoroughly.

www.turkiyeklinikleri.com website belongs to Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc. and is designed in order to inform physicians in the field of health

www.turkiyeklinikleri.com cannot reach to user’s identity, address, service providers or other information. The users may send this information to the website through forms if they would like to. However, www.turkiyeklinikleri.com may collect your hardware and software information. The information consists of your IP address, browser type, operating system, domain name, access time, and related websites. www.turkiyeklinikleri.com cannot sell the provided user information (your name, e-mail address, home and work address, phone number) to the third parties, publish it publicly, or keep it in the website. Gathered information has a directing feature to be a source for the website’s visitor profile, reporting and promotion of the services.

www.turkiyeklinikleri.com uses the taken information:

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By using www.turkiyeklinikleri.com you are considered to agree that;

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-Terms of use may change from time to time,

-It is not responsible for other websites’ contents it cannot control or the harms they may cause although it uses the connection they provided.

Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc. may block the website to users in the following events:

-Information with wrong, incomplete, deceiving or immoral expressions is recorded to the website,

-Proclamation, advertisement, announcement, libelous expressions are used against natural person or legal identity,

-During various attacks to the website,

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Written, visual and audible materials of the website, including the code and the software are under protection by legal legislation.

Without the written consent of Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc. the information on the website cannot be downloaded, changed, reproduced, copied, republished, posted or distributed.

All rights of the software and the design of the website belong to Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc.

Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc. will be pleased to hear your comments about our terms of use. Please share the subjects you think may enrich our website or if there is any problem regarding our website.
