Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Ethics-Law and History

Boyun Fıtığı Hastalarının Sağlıklı Yaşam Biçimi Davranışlarında Sağlık Okuryazarlığının Önemi: Geleneksel Derleme
The Importance of Health Literacy in Healthy Lifestyle Behavior of Cervical Disc Hernia Patients: Traditional Review
aEmekli Hemşire, Konya, TÜRKİYE
bEskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıp Tarihi ve Etik ABD, Eskişehir, TÜRKİYE
Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Ethics. 2022;30(1):80-8
doi: 10.5336/mdethic.2021-85309
Article Language: TR
Full Text
Hızla değişen ve gelişen güncel hayatta, bireylerin sosyodemografik özellikleri, sosyal, fiziksel ve biyolojik çevrede oluşan risk faktörleri kas-iskelet sistemi üzerinde etkin olmakta ve boyun fıtığı hastalığına sık rastlanmaktadır. Boyun fıtığı, bireylerin yaşam standartlarını düşüren, üretken, tatmin edici bir yaşam sürmesine engel olan bir hastalıktır. Boyun fıtığı risk faktörleri düşünüldüğünde sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarının edinilmesiyle oluşması, tekrarlaması, hastaneye yatışlar önlenebilir ve hastalığa rağmen kaliteli bir yaşam sürdürülmesi mümkün olabilir. Boyun fıtığı hastalığının tedavi yöntemlerinden biri olan fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon hizmetinde sağlığa ilişkin olarak davranış değişikliğine önem verilmektedir. Bireyin kendisi ile ilgili konularda karar alması ve söz sahibi olması, sorumluluk üstlenmesi ancak bilgiye sahip olması ve farkındalık yaşamasıyla olanaklıdır. Bu süreçte bireylerin bilgilere erişebilmesi, anlayabilmesi, yorumlayabilmesi ve uygun sağlık davranışları geliştirebilmesinde hasta eğitimi ve sağlık okuryazarlığı bilgilendirmenin profesyonel bir yönünü oluşturmaktadır. Sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları, bireyin sağlıklı kalmak ve hastalıklardan korunmak için öğrendiği, inandığı ve uyguladığı davranışların bütünü olduğundan makalede boyun fıtığının tedavi yöntemlerinden biri olan fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon sürecinde hastaların sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını edinmelerinde bilgilendirme, eğitim ve sağlık okuryazarlığı konularının önemi hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Boyun fıtığı; fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon; bilgilendirme; hasta eğitimi; sağlık okuryazarlığı
In today's rapidly changing and developing world, socio-demographic characteristics of individuals, and risk factors occurring in the social, physical, and biological environment are effective on the musculoskeletal system and cervical disc hernia is frequently encountered. Cervical disc hernia is a disease that reduces the living standards of individuals and prevents them from living productive and satisfying lives. Considering the risk factors of cervical disc hernia, with the acquisition of healthy lifestyle behaviors, its occurrence, recurrence, and hospitalizations can be prevented and it is possible to maintain a quality life despite the disease. In the physical therapy and rehabilitation service, which is one of the treatment methods of cervical disc hernia, attention is paid to behavioral change regarding health. It is only possible for an individual to make decisions and have a say in matters related to themselves, and to assume responsibility, only if they have knowledge and experience awareness. In this process, patient education and health literacy constitute a professional aspect of informing so that individuals can access, understand, interpret and develop appropriate health behaviors. Since Healty life style behavior (HLB) is the whole of the behaviors that the individual learns, believes, and practices to stay healthy and protect from diseases, it is aimed to give information about the importance of informing, education and health literacy issues in the process of physical therapy and rehabilitation, which is one of the treatment methods of cervical disc hernia, for patients to acquire HLB.

Keywords: Cervical disc hernia; physical therapy and rehabilitation; information; patient education; health literacy
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"Turkiye Klinikleri" in its sole discretion may change the hereby "Terms of Use" anytime announcing within the "SITE". The changed terms of the hereby "Terms of Use" will become valid when they are announced. Hereby "Terms of Use" cannot be changed by unilateral declarations of users.


"Turkiye Klinikleri" is not responsible for executing late or never of this hereby "Terms of Use", privacy policy and "USER Contract" in any situation legally taken into account as force majeure. Being late or failure of performance or non-defaulting of this and similar cases like this will not be the case from the viewpoint of "Turkiye Klinikleri", and "Turkiye Klinikleri" will not have any damage liability for these situations. "Force majeure" term will be regarded as outside of the concerned party's reasonable control and any situation that "Turkiye Klinikleri" cannot prevent even though it shows due diligence. Also, force majeure situations include but not limited to natural disasters, rebellion, war, strike, communication problems, infrastructure and internet failure, power cut and bad weather conditions.


Turkish Law will be applied in practicing, interpreting the hereby "Terms of Use" and managing the emerging legal relationships within this "Terms of Use" in case of finding element of foreignness, except for the rules of Turkish conflict of laws. Ankara Courts and Enforcement Offices are entitled in any controversy happened or may happen due to hereby contract.


Hereby "Terms of Use" come into force when announced in the "SITE" by "Turkiye Klinikleri". The users are regarded to agree to hereby contract terms by using the "SITE". "Turkiye Klinikleri" may change the contract terms and the changes will be come into force by specifying the version number and the date of change on time it is published in the "SITE".



Privacy Policy

We recommend you to read the terms of use below before you visit our website. In case you agree these terms, following our rules will be to your favor. Please read our Terms of Use thoroughly.

www.turkiyeklinikleri.com website belongs to Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc. and is designed in order to inform physicians in the field of health

www.turkiyeklinikleri.com cannot reach to user’s identity, address, service providers or other information. The users may send this information to the website through forms if they would like to. However, www.turkiyeklinikleri.com may collect your hardware and software information. The information consists of your IP address, browser type, operating system, domain name, access time, and related websites. www.turkiyeklinikleri.com cannot sell the provided user information (your name, e-mail address, home and work address, phone number) to the third parties, publish it publicly, or keep it in the website. Gathered information has a directing feature to be a source for the website’s visitor profile, reporting and promotion of the services.

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By using www.turkiyeklinikleri.com you are considered to agree that;

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Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc. may block the website to users in the following events:

-Information with wrong, incomplete, deceiving or immoral expressions is recorded to the website,

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Written, visual and audible materials of the website, including the code and the software are under protection by legal legislation.

Without the written consent of Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc. the information on the website cannot be downloaded, changed, reproduced, copied, republished, posted or distributed.

All rights of the software and the design of the website belong to Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc.

Ortadoğu Advertisement Presentation Publishing Tourism Education Architecture Industry and Trade Inc. will be pleased to hear your comments about our terms of use. Please share the subjects you think may enrich our website or if there is any problem regarding our website.
